Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Leadership Skills For A Effective Leader - 1840 Words
Introduction Throughout the past several weeks I have learned so much more about myself, and have gained a more insightful meaning of what is needed in order to be an effective leader. As a Non Commissioned Officer within the United States Army, who is charged with the defense, and the production of our nation finest, the phrase â€Å"no one is more professional than I†, must not be taken lightly. Additionally, I have long pledged, that in order not become like the toxic leadership once appointed over me, to seek out any valuable information that will aid in the strengthening of my leadership abilities. The development of leadership skills â€Å"give people the capacity to influence others, and are a critical component in successful leadership†(Northouse, 2015). Therefore, gaining a better understanding of how to properly teach, coach, and lead, will not only help me in my conquest in becoming an excellent NCO, but also support my becoming of a better person. 1. Leadership Vision As a father, husband, and a senior Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) within the United States Army, I have long been regarded by my family and friends as being a protector, and an instiller of standards and discipline. Never had I envisioned myself as a leader, nonetheless, a decorated combat veteran, but this was an image that was bestowed upon me after having served four combat deployments and sixteen years of active duty service. After enlisting in the Army May 10th, 2000, it quickly became apparent thatShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of The Leadership Skill And Identifies It As An Effective Leader1419 Words  | 6 Pagesimportance the leadership skill and identifies it as the most sustainable competitive edge in a progressively more competitive and boundary less business world (Hoch and Dulebohn, 2013). 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Monday, December 16, 2019
The Twilight Saga 4 Breaking Dawn 35. Deadline Free Essays
string(57) " disappointed that my examination was not more thorough\." â€Å"Headed out?†Edward asked, his tone nonchalant. There was a sort of forced composure about his expression. He hugged Renesmee just a little bit tighter to his chest. We will write a custom essay sample on The Twilight Saga 4: Breaking Dawn 35. Deadline or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Yes, a few last-minute things†¦,†I responded just as casually. He smiled my favorite smile. â€Å"Hurry back to me.†â€Å"Always.†I took his Volvo again, wondering if he’d read the odometer after my last errand. How much had he pieced together? That I had a secret, absolutely. Would he have deduced the reason why I didn’t confide in him? Did he guess that Aro might soon know everything he knew? I thought Edward could have come to that conclusion, which explained why he had demanded no reasons from me. I guessed he was trying not to speculate too much, trying to keep my behavior off his mind. Had he put this together with my odd performance the morning after Alice left, burning my book in the fire? I didn’t know if he could have made that leap. It was a dreary afternoon, already dark as dusk. I sped through the gloom, my eyes on the heavy clouds. Would it snow tonight? Enough to layer the ground and create the scene from Alice’s vision? Edward estimated that we had about two more days. Then we would set ourselves in the clearing, drawing the Volturi to our chosen place. As I headed through the darkening forest, I considered my last trip to Seattle. I thought I knew Alice’s purpose in sending me to the dilapidated drop point where J. Jenks referred his shadier clients. If I’d gone to one of his other, more legitimate offices, would I have ever known what to ask for? if I’d met him as Jason Jenks or Jason Scott, legitimate lawyer, would I ever have unearthed J. Jenks, purveyor of illegal documents? I’d had to go the route that made it clear I was up to no good. That was my clue. It was black when I pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant a few minutes early, ignoring the eager valets by the entrance. I popped in my contacts and then went to wait for J inside the restaurant. Though I was in a hurry to be done with this depressing necessity and back with my family, J seemed careful to keep himself untainted by his baser associations; i had a feeling a handoff in the dark parking lot would offend his sensibilities. I gave the name Jenks at the podium, and the obsequious maftre d’ led me upstairs to a small private room with a fire crackling in a stone hearth. He took the calf-length ivory trench coat I’d worn to disguise the fact that I was wearing Alice’s idea of appropriate attire, and gasped quietly at my oyster satin cocktail dress. I couldn’t help being a little flattered; I still wasn’t used to being beautiful to everyone rather than just Edward. The mattre d’ stuttered half-formed compliments as he backed unsteadily from the room. I stood by the fire to wait, holding my fingers close to the flame to warm them a little before the inevitable handshake. Not that J wasn’t obviously aware that there was something up with the Cullens, but it was still a good habit to practice. For one half second, I wondered what it would feel like to put my hand in the fire. What it would feel like when I burned___ J’s entrance distracted my morbidity. The maftre d’ took his coat, too, and it was evident that I was not the only one who had dressed up for this meeting. â€Å"I’m so sorry I’m late,†J said as soon as we were alone. â€Å"No, you’re exactly on time.†He held out his hand, and as we shook I could feel that his fingers were still quite noticeably warmer than mine. It didn’t seem to bother him. â€Å"You look stunning, if I may be so bold, Mrs. Cullen.†â€Å"Thank you, J. Please, call me Bella.†â€Å"I must say, it’s a different experience working with you than it is with Mr. Jasper. Much less†¦ unsettling.†He smiled hesitantly. â€Å"Really? I’ve always found Jasper to have a very soothing presence.†His eyebrows pulled together. â€Å"Is that so?†he murmured politely while clearly still in disagreement. How odd. What had Jasper done to this man? â€Å"Have you known Jasper long?†He sighed, looking uncomfortable. â€Å"I’ve been working with Mr. Jasper for more than twenty years, and my old partner knew him for fifteen years before that†¦. He never changes.†J cringed delicately. â€Å"Yeah, Jasper’s kind of funny that way.†J shook his head as if he could shake away the disturbing thoughts. â€Å"Won’t you have a seat, Bella?†â€Å"Actually, I’m in a bit of a hurry. I’ve got a long drive home.†As I spoke, I took the thick white envelope with his bonus from my bag and handed it to him. â€Å"Oh,†he said, a little catch of disappointment in his voice. He tucked the envelope into an inside pocket of his jacket without bothering to check the amount. â€Å"I was hoping we could speak for just a moment.†â€Å"About?†I asked curiously. â€Å"Well, let me get you your items first. I want to make sure you’re satisfied.†He turned, placed his briefcase on the table, and popped the latches. He took out a legal-sized manila envelope. Though I had no idea what I should be looking for, I opened the envelope and gave the contents a cursory glance. J had flipped Jacob’s picture and changed the coloring so that it wasn’t immediately evident that it was the same picture on both his passport and driver’s license. Both looked perfectly sound to me, but that meant little. I glanced at the picture on Vanessa Wolfe’s passport for a fraction of a second, and then looked away quickly, a lump rising in my throat. â€Å"Thank you,†I told him. His eyes narrowed slightly, and I felt he was disappointed that my examination was not more thorough. You read "The Twilight Saga 4: Breaking Dawn 35. Deadline" in category "Essay examples" â€Å"I can assure you every piece is perfect. All will pass the most rigorous scrutiny by experts.†â€Å"I’m sure they are. I truly appreciate what you’ve done for me, J.†â€Å"It’s been my pleasure, Bella. In the future, feel free to come to me for anything the Cullen family needs.†He didn’t even hint at it really, but this sounded like an invitation for me to take over Jasper’s place as liaison. â€Å"There was something you wanted to discuss?†â€Å"Er, yes. It’s a bit delicate.. ..†He gestured to the stone hearth with a questioning expression. I sat on the edge of the stone, and he sat beside me. Sweat was dewing up on his forehead again, and he pulled a blue silk handkerchief from his pocket and began mopping. â€Å"You are the sister of Mr. Jasper’s wife? Or married to his brother?†he asked. â€Å"Married to his brother,†I clarified, wondering where this was leading. â€Å"You would be Mr. Edward’s bride, then?†â€Å"Yes.†He smiled apologetically. â€Å"I’ve seen all the names many times, you see. My belated congratulations. It’s nice that Mr. Edward has found such a lovely partner after all this time.†â€Å"Thank you very much.†He paused, dabbing at the sweat. â€Å"Over the years, you might imagine that I’ve developed a very healthy level of respect for Mr. Jasper and the entire family.†I nodded cautiously. He took a deep breath and then exhaled without speaking. â€Å"J, please just say whatever you need to.†He took another breath and then mumbled quickly, slurring the words together. â€Å"If you could just assure me that you are not planning to kidnap the little girl from her father, I would sleep better tonight.†â€Å"Oh,†I said, stunned. It took me a minute to understand the erroneous conclusion he’d drawn. â€Å"Oh no. It’s nothing like that at all.†I smiled weakly, trying to reassure him. â€Å"I’m simply preparing a safe place for her in case something were to happen to my husband and me.†His eyes narrowed. â€Å"Are you expecting something to happen?†He blushed, then apologized. â€Å"Not that it’s any of my business.†I watched the red flush spread behind the delicate membrane of his skin and was glad – as I often was – that I was not the average newborn. J seemed a nice enough man, criminal behavior aside, and it would have been a shame to kill him. â€Å"You never know.†I sighed. He frowned. â€Å"May I wish you the best of luck, then. And please don’t be put out with me, my dear, but†¦ if Mr. Jasper should come to me and ask what names I put on these documents †¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Of course you should tell him immediately. I’d like nothing better than to have Mr. Jasper fully aware of our entire transaction.†My transparent sincerity seemed to ease a bit of his tension. â€Å"Very good,†he said. â€Å"And I can’t prevail upon you to stay for dinner?†â€Å"I’m sorry, J. I’m short on time at present.†â€Å"Then, again, my best wishes for your health and happiness. Anything at all the Cullen family needs, please don’t hesitate to call on me, Bella.†â€Å"Thank you, J.†I left with my contraband, glancing back to see that J was staring after me, his expression a mixture of anxiety and regret. The return trip took me less time. The night was black, and so I turned off my headlights and floored it. When I got back to the house, most of the cars, including Alice’s Porsche and my Ferrari, were missing. The traditional vampires were going as far away as possible to satiate their thirst. I tried not to think of their hunting in the night, cringing at the mental picture of their victims. Only Kate and Garrett were in the front room, arguing playfully about the nutritional value of animal blood. I inferred that Garrett had attempted a hunting trip vegetarian-style and found it difficult. Edward must have taken Renesmee home to sleep. Jacob, no doubt, was in the woods close by the cottage. The rest of my family must have been hunting as well. Perhaps they were out with the other Denalis. Which basically gave me the house to myself, and I was quick to take advantage. I could smell that I was the first one to enter Alice and Jasper’s room in a long while, maybe the first since the night they’d left us. I rooted silently through their huge closet until I found the right sort of bag. It must have been Alice’s; it was a small black leather backpack, the kind that was usually used as a purse, little enough that even Renesmee could carry it without looking out of place. Then I raided their petty cash, taking about twice the yearly income for the average American household. I guessed my theft would be less noticeable here than anywhere else in the house, since this room made everyone sad. The envelope with the fake passports and IDs went into the bag on top of the money. Then I sat on the edge of Alice and Jasper’s bed and looked at the pitifully insignificant package that was all I could give my daughter and my best friend to help save their lives. I slumped against the bedpost, feeling helpless. But what else could I do? I sat there for several minutes with my head bowed before the inkling of a good idea came to me. If†¦ If I was to assume that Jacob and Renesmee were going to escape, then that included the assumption that Demetri would be dead. That gave any survivors a little breathing room, Alice and Jasper included. So why couldn’t Alice and Jasper help Jacob and Renesmee? If they were reunited, Renesmee would have the best protection imaginable. There was no reason why this couldn’t happen, except for the fact that Jake and Renesmee both were blind spots for Alice. How would she begin to look for them? I deliberated for a moment, then left the room, crossing the hall to Carlisle and Esme’s suite. As usual, Esme’s desk was stacked with plans and blueprints, everything neatly laid out in tall piles. The desk had a slew of pigeonholes above the work surface; in one was a box of stationery. I took a fresh sheet of paper and a pen. Then I stared at the blank ivory page for a full five minutes, concentrating on my decision. Alice might not be able to see Jacob or Renesmee, but she could see me. I visualized her seeing this moment, hoping desperately that she wasn’t too busy to pay attention. Slowly, deliberately, I wrote the words RIO DE JANEIRO in all caps across the page. Rio seemed the best place to send them: It was far away from here, Alice and Jasper were already in South America at last report, and it wasn’t like our old problems had ceased to exist just because we had worse problems now. There was still the mystery of Renesmee’s future, the terror of her racing age. We’d been headed south anyway. Now it would be Jacob’s, and hopefully Alice’s, job to search for the legends. I bowed my head again against a sudden urge to sob, clenching my teeth together. It was better that Renesmee go on without me. But I already missed her so much I could barely stand it. I took a deep breath and put the note at the bottom of the duffel bag, where Jacob would find it soon enough. I crossed my fingers that – since it was unlikely that his high school offered Portuguese – Jake had at least taken Spanish as his language elective. There was nothing left now but waiting. For two days, Edward and Carlisle stayed in the clearing where Alice had seen the Volturi arrive. It was the same killing field where Victoria’s newborns had attacked last summer. I wondered if it felt repetitive to Carlisle, like deja vu. For me, it would be all new. This time Edward and I would stand with our family. We could only imagine that the Volturi would be tracking either Edward or Carlisle. I wondered if it would surprise them that their prey didn’t run. Would that make them wary? I couldn’t imagine the Volturi ever feeling a need for caution. Though I was – hopefully – invisible to Demetri, I stayed with Edward. Of course. We only had a few hours left to be together. Edward and I had not had a last grand scene of farewell, nor did I plan one. To speak the word was to make it final. It would be the same as typing the words The End on the last page of a manuscript. So we did not say our goodbyes, and we stayed very close to each other, always touching. Whatever end found us, it would not find us separated. We set up a tent for Renesmee a few yards back into the protective forest, and then there was more deja vu as we found ourselves camping in the cold again with Jacob. It was almost impossible to believe how much things had changed since last June. Seven months ago, our triangular relationship seemed impossible, three different kinds of heartbreak that could not be avoided. Now everything was in perfect balance. It seemed hideously ironic that the puzzle pieces would fit together just in time for all of them to be destroyed. It started to snow again the night before New Year’s Eve. This time, the tiny flakes did not dissolve into the stony ground of the clearing. While Renesmee and Jacob slept – Jacob snoring so loudly I wondered how Renesmee didn’t wake – the snow made first a thin icing over the earth, then built into thicker drifts. By the time the sun rose, the scene from Alice’s vision was complete. Edward and I held hands as we stared across the glittering white field, and neither of us spoke. Through the early morning, the others gathered, their eyes bearing mute evidence of their preparations – some light gold, some rich crimson. Soon after we all were together, we could hear the wolves moving in the woods. Jacob emerged from the tent, leaving Renesmee still sleeping, to join them. Edward and Carlisle were arraying the others into a loose formation, our witnesses to the sides like galleries. I watched from a distance, waiting by the tent for Renesmee to wake. When she did, I helped her dress in the clothes I’d carefully picked out two days before. Clothes that looked frilly and feminine but that were actually sturdy enough to not show any wear – even if a person wore them while riding a giant werewolf through a couple of states. Over her jacket I put on the black leather backpack with the documents, the money, the clue, and my love notes for her and Jacob, Charlie and Renee. She was strong enough that it was no burden to her. Her eyes were huge as she read the agony on my face. But she had guessed enough not to ask me what I was doing. â€Å"I love you,†I told her. â€Å"More than anything.†â€Å"I love you, too, Momma,†she answered. She touched the locket at her neck, which now held a tiny photo of her, Edward, and me. â€Å"We’ll always be together.†â€Å"In our hearts we’ll always be together,†I corrected in a whisper as quiet as a breath. â€Å"But when the time comes today, you have to leave me.†Her eyes widened, and she touched her hand to my cheek. The silent no was louder than if she’d shouted it. I fought to swallow; my throat felt swollen. â€Å"Will you do it for me? Please?†She pressed her fingers harder to my face. Why? â€Å"I can’t tell you,†I whispered. â€Å"But you’ll understand soon. I promise.’7 In my head, I saw Jacob’s face. I nodded, then pulled her fingers away. â€Å"Don’t think of it,†I breathed into her ear. â€Å"Don’t tell Jacob until I tell you to run, okay?†This she understood. She nodded, too. I took from my pocket one last detail. While packing Renesmee’s things, an unexpected sparkle of color had caught my eye. A chance ray of sun through the skylight had hit the jewels on the ancient precious box stuffed high overhead on a shelf in an untouched corner. I considered it for a moment and then shrugged. After putting together Alice’s clues, I couldn’t hope that the coming confrontation would be resolved peacefully. But why not try to start things out as friendly as possible? I asked myself. What could it hurt? So I guess I must have had some hope left after all – blind, senseless hope – because I’d scaled the shelves and retrieved Aro’s wedding present to me. Now I fastened the thick gold rope around my neck and felt the weight of the enormous diamond nestle into the hollow of my throat. â€Å"Pretty,†Renesmee whispered. Then she wrapped her arms like a vise around my neck. I squeezed her against my chest. Interlocked this way, I carried her out of the tent and to the clearing. Edward cocked one eyebrow as I approached, but otherwise did not remark on my accessory or Renesmee’s. He just put his arms tight around us both for one long moment and then, with a deep sigh, let us go. I couldn’t see a goodbye anywhere in his eyes. Maybe he had more hope for something after this life than he’d let on. We took our place, Renesmee climbing agilely onto my back to leave my hands free. I stood a few feet behind the front line made up by Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Rosalie, Tanya, Kate, and Eleazar. Close beside me were Benjamin and Zafrina; it was my job to protect them as long as I was able. They were our best offensive weapons. If the Volturi were the ones who could not see, even for a few moments, that would change everything. Zafrina was rigid and fierce, with Senna almost a mirror image at her side. Benjamin sat on the ground, his palms pressed to the dirt, and muttered quietly about fault lines. Last night, he’d strewn piles of boulders in natural-looking, now snow-covered heaps all along the back of the meadow. They weren’t enough to injure a vampire, but hopefully enough to distract one. The witnesses clustered to our left and right, some nearer than others – those who had declared themselves were the closest. I noticed Siobhan rubbing her temples, her eyes closed in concentration; was she humoring Carlisle? Trying to visualize a diplomatic resolution? In the woods behind us, the invisible wolves were still and ready; we could only hear their heavy panting, their beating hearts. The clouds rolled in, diffusing the light so that it could have been morning or afternoon. Edward’s eyes tightened as he scrutinized the view, and I was sure he was seeing this exact scene for the second time – the first time being Alice’s vision. It would look just the same when the Volturi arrived. We only had minutes or seconds left now. All our family and allies braced themselves. From the forest, the huge russet Alpha wolf came forward to stand at my side; it must have been too hard for him to keep his distance from Renesmee when she was in such immediate danger. Renesmee reached out to twine her fingers in thefur over his massive shoulder, and her body relaxed a little bit. She was calmer with Jacob close.I felt a tiny bit better, too. As long Jacob was with Renesmee, she would be all right. Without risking a glance behind, Edward reached back to me. I stretched my arm forward so that I could grip his hand. He squeezed my fingers. Another minute ticked by, and I found myself straining to hear some sound of approach. And then Edward stiffened and hissed low between his clenched teeth. His eyes focused on the forest due north of where we stood. We stared where he did, and waited as the last seconds passed. How to cite The Twilight Saga 4: Breaking Dawn 35. Deadline, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
The media has always changed b... free essay sample
The media has always changed broadcasts to fit their personal or corporate agenda. Many people believe that the news was originally set up to act as a national tool to stir thoughts, while others believe that it was created to pass along news faster and to a wider amount of viewers. Now the media is using its broadcasts to entertain, frighten and cause a lot of controversy between political parties, but this keeps viewers watching. There tends to be a lot of fake news and it has a very strong liberal and conservative bias. Each reporter is doing their job but because they are following different stories it causes people to assume that the article is fake news or biased to fit own agendas. News is supposed to be informative, knowledgeable and some may even go as far to say that to audiences, the media is truthful. With this being said, it can be noted that the media serves major corporations. We will write a custom essay sample on The media has always changed b or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If the content gets more viewers and the network gets paid more communication industry acts as a vehicle of promotion for ten major corporations. McChesney discusses how power operates in our society. These greatly impact media sectors, and based upon this reading I have come to believe that since corporations are sponsoring and/or controlling news providers and what is being reported, the media is catering to large successful companies. McChesney infers how ironic it is that if the First Amendment grants us the freedom of press, then why do we need permission of the tyrannical billionaires in control of cable channels, books, magazines, radio stations, billboards, TV stations, etc. (explain) to launch a new movie studio or major daily newspaper? Freedom of press states that people have the right to create our own media if they so desire. Consequently, although the media does hold a strong power over public ears and eyes, there is a higher power in which the media assists. In terms of interests that the media serves not only is the public concerned with the political, economic and religious aspects of the news, but (who) explains that audiences crave more infotainment. Infotainment is engaging to viewers/listeners because it often deals with sex scandals, murders, celebrities, etc. McChesney seems disheartened and disappointed when he says that political coverage in American media is empty and meaningless. The tough questions on important issues, such as the War on Terror, are being ignored and there is less and less of political coverage these days. (McChesney). (where) Another important thing to consider when it comes to the media is fairness, objectivity and bias. There is a fine line between these three factors, but it should be known that they are very different from one another. Unlike objectivity, bias is an inclination. Objectivity would be more similar to fairness, but both are still different. If one reports from an objective point of view, this report will show no influenced by emotion or personal prejudices. Very much like objectivity, fairness is justice to all parties. Lastly, comes bias. Several authors cited in this piece and I all agree bias is one serious fad in mass media. I believe that most reports I see/hear are bias in one way or another. In turn, bias is not strongly linked to poor and irresponsible reporting. Political bias is commonly displayed, if bias is detected in news reports, then I do not find this type of journalism plausible nor do I consider it responsible or dependable. Being able to depend on journalists and the stories they recount is key for the media world because people will believe mostly everything on their television screens. Many believe that traditional newscasts will become less significant in global communities simply because newscasts are not traditional anymore. The public has a hard time discerning fact from fiction and journalists are well aware of this. Most importantly, we need honest, accurate, ethical, and independent journalists because reliability and the factualness of news is not often or not always considered or even thought about by a handful of viewers. If the audience has become immune to accepting the first piece of news thrown in their faces, then the only ones that will actually have the power to pick out the truth are journalists.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Lord Of The Flies Shows That Even Properly Raised British Boys Have A
Lord of the Flies shows that even properly raised British boys have a bad side. At the beginning of the story the boys held meetings and said they did not want to become savage like. As the book progresses all of the children start to show signs of inhumanity. By the end of Lord of the Flies all of the characters have revealed their crudeness except the dead boys, Piggy and Simon. I believe they would have turned wild too because everyone has a savage in them and it could be released at any time given the right situation. In society people are brought up with rules and taught to have manners. They are so used to behaving that when they are turned loose they can be trusted to keep themselves under control. That concept is displayed in Lord of the Flies when Jack says, ?We'll have rules!? he cried excitedly, ?Lots of rules!....?(33) The boys on this island have been expected to follow societies ways for so long that they do it automatically, but the idea of having rules will only work for short periods of time. Then the unsupervised group will begin to break up and develop roles for themselves. When that happens everything starts to get out of hand. As a rule children with irresponsible parents find themselves getting into trouble. There are many examples of corruption in kids who run free. In today's system we have children who are pressured into killing, doing drugs, and following others. The leader those children follow is not always the best person. On the island Jack is the driving force of the hu nters. Others follow him and leave positions in their community. Ralph perceives what is happening and wants to stop the downward spiral. He tries to have Samneric keep the fire going so they have a chance of being rescued. Samneric are also drawn in by Jack and become hunters too. While the children are off hunting a ship passes by because there was no fire. When Jack returns to announce that they have killed a pig, Ralph yells, ?You and your blood, Jack Merridew! You and your hunting! We might have gone home--?(70) Jack and the hunters believe they are right because they are killing to survive. Ralph, on the other hand, realizes the only way to survive is to get home and back to civilization. Ralph sees all of the boys turning to uncivilized ways. At first the down grading of their society is made obvious by face painting and hunting. Then the hunting becomes some ritual along with the need for meat. During one of the rituals Simon is mistaken for the beast and is killed. Everyone pretty much blows this off as an accident. In our world a lot of situations are ignored the first time. For instance, a man accused of rape might get a year in jail. After his time he will leave and a lot of times he will commit the same crime. Most of the boys on the island learned nothing from killing Simon. Eventually Jack outcasts Piggy, Ralph and the little ones that were left. Ralph and Piggy make the decision to go to Jack to try to talk some since into him. Ralph shouts, ?Which is better, law and rescue, or hunting and breaking things up(180) After that outburst Piggy was knocked off of a cliff and fell to his death. Once again the savage came out in them and they did not think much of Piggy's death. Ralph is then left alone to fend for himself. In trying to save himself he begins to turn merciless too. Ralph's reasons for becoming barbarous were different than Jack and the hunters, but there is really no difference. In life if your group becomes heathenish you are likely t o become equal to them for fear of being outcast. If your circle of friends turns on you then you are also prone to take measures to protect yourself. A lot of protection for yourself against violent people comes in violent actions forced back on them. So in the end you are no better than the ones who are against you just because you
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Arthur Miller links to play The Crucible Essay Example
Arthur Miller links to play The Crucible Essay Example Arthur Miller links to play The Crucible Essay Arthur Miller links to play The Crucible Essay ob was to hunt down Communists and root them out. Many public figures?including actors and film directors?were brought before the committee and asked if they were Communists and to name anyone they thought was a Communist. If they refused to do so, they were presumed guilty. There is also a parallel to what was going on in the play, with the Salem Witch Trials?people who were presumed to be guilty of witchcraft were forced to confess. Mccarthy ensured that any actors/directors that were found guilty would never work in Hollywood again. There are still difficulties found when interpreting The Crucible as a strict allegorical representation of the sasss McCarthy. There were definitely Communists in sasss America, especially in the Massachusetts bay Area of New England where Salem would have been found, but there was no proof of any real witches or devil-worshipers?The Salem Witch Trials was Millers area of Study as an undergraduate when at the University of Michigan. The general outline of the play corresponds to the events of the Witch Trails of Salem in 1692. Parallels between Arthur Millers history and the novel: In 1956, Miller divorced his first wife Mary Clattery who he had two children with, and married Marilyn Monroe. Monroe was one of the most famous actresses in America and her love life was thrust onto every tabloid. Shortly after their marriage, Miller was called before the HUGH (House of Un-American Committee), which could have potentially ruined both his and Monomers career. There are links between the characters. John Proctor as Miller, and Elizabeth as his first wife Mary Clattery. Monroe is represented by Abigail, the woman he and also John Proctor, has an affair with.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Free sample - The Hilton Concept of Quality. translation missing
The Hilton Concept of Quality. The Hilton Concept of QualityAll employees and franchisees follow Brand recognition; offer affordable and agreeable hotels and are part of a multi international network of hotels of one to four stars. The network is growing every day as Hilton Worldwide acquires hotels all over the world. The network promises a facility of reservations, brand recognition and inner controls that are called the Hilton Way . This was the motto of Conrad Hilton forming the corporation in the 1940's. His first Hilton hotel dates back to 1925 in Texas. Hilton Worldwide runs it's corporations under Total Quality Management (TQM) as they train only their management and the management of each hotel whether it be corporate or franchised managed to brand recognition and to be customer focused. All processes done must be done the "Hilton way" (process thinking, proper environment). The internal running of hotels is the responsibility of the individual hotel. For the purpose of this Paper the Embassy Suites and the Beverly Hilton will be used to show how the Hilton way has not always been sufficient in quality assessment and it has been necessary to add additional controls.. Hilton Worldwide has created a complicated in house program of RevPar index, the Balanced Scorecard and Brand Equity. Millions of dollars have been spent in a data network aligning all hotels so that their financial and statistical data can be part of the Hilton Network. Each hotel pays approximately $70 000 to have the system installed. One cannot be called Hilton without adhering to the network. Everything is measured, quantified and sent back to corporate to judge their level of service and in terms of revenues. (hiltonworlwide) RevPar index (revenue per available room) is a primary statistic used to test the financial viability of a hotel. Hilton Corporation uses the RevPar Index, brand equity and the balanced scorecard. Every hotel in their system from the 1 star to the 4 stars practices what the Brand Hilton preaches "Deliver value for Money" Revenue per available room or the % of occupancy x the average daily rate is to show the financial viability of a hotel compared to another in the same area at the same time and the same type. (strglobal) A four star Hilton Embassy Suite reserved at 90% occupancy during the Christmas season in Los Angeles compared to a four star Embassy Suite reserved at 85% occupancy at a higher rate in San Francisco will not be doing as well. "What gets measured gets managed" is part of Hilton's strategy (TQM) and tactical processes. The terminology they have developed has become to be known as the "Balanced Scorecard" Corporate management, corporate owned and managed hotels and franchised hotels are affected. It is part of Hiltons long and short term strategy. All quality assurance is based on the data derived from performance measure data established from the type of work, the objectives achieved and the progress made. Nothing is left out. Anything which can be quantified is used for quality. The Scorecard is put into an intricate reporting data system that each hotel is required to have bought and set up in order to maintain the Hilton image. Depending on the results, each person in the organization has incentives as motivational factors. Their performance and expectations are always an important part of the system. Hilton uses the data and statistics to judge results. TQM is based on inward performance and CEM is based on outward performance. RevPar Index, Balanced Scorecard and Brand Equity have been measured in the Hiltons across the world to judge customer satisfaction. Hilton started with Brand Equity with the use of Hilton Hotel 50 years ago. One of the earliest hotels was the Beverly Hilton. Brands with customer awareness and association with quality or consistency are effective equity brands. A customer knows in any Hilton hotel in the world, he will get the same type of service. Now they have grown or expanded in using an additional H with Hilton Hotel, HHonors program, Homewood Suites, Hampton. All under the umbrella of H. Measurements of brand equity can be made but they are only approximations. Keller K.L., 1993 "Hilton's balanced scorecard has enabled to quantify the quality of the daily growth and increased brand equity by quality control of the knowledge that one Hilton is the same from another. And in addition to share-of-market growth, non-financial measures show improvement, as well. Among company-owned and -managed hotels, current customer-satisfaction studies reveal strong increases in customers' opinions on overall satisfaction, their likelihood of recommending Hilton hotels, and their likelihood to return to a given property. The three factors comprise a measure of loyalty Hilton tracks closelyand that score recently reached its highest level ever. Hensdill (2009) The scorecard tests cleanliness and conditions. Service standards are left to the individual hotel. ("News Release", 2003) The hotels are kept to the Hilton Way because of the internal data system of check and balance and statistical controls. Whereas service has become an important part of today's industry to differentiate between hotel chains and establish customer loyalty, it is left out of the testing process of the quality assurance .(beverly) Hilton Worldwide created an additional two section of the Balance Scorecard to include quality assurance and guest satisfaction for the Embassy Suites. They have surprise visits, inspections of kitchens, and guestrooms. Guests are asked to rate different services in the hotel. Everything is still quantified and nothing is dealt with on an emotional level. ("News Release", 2003) This is an indication that they rely on Total Quality Management. Beverly Hilton is a privately owned hotel which only uses the point system of HHonors of the Hilton program. It was important to keep the name and have the brand equity of the "H" as the Beverly Hilton is one of the oldest post war hotels. As a private hotel, they are not required to adhere to TQM nor the Hilton Way. They use an external company for Quality Assurance and are service oriented. Their managerial team uses customer experience management philosophy. Though they rely heavily on testing and auditing, they question every aspect of their operations. The voice of the customer is the priority of the hotel. The external company has their own quantitative tests of quality: research is done throughout the year in customer experience and motivation of employees through reward and recognition, tools are established to train staff in customer service (experience); emotional audits, surveys, and surprise visits. Preparing for the yearly quality assurance audit, with LRA Worldw ide, the Beverly Hilton is able to respond quickly and on the spot of any deficiency found. Statistical studies are done using the CEM (customer experience management).("The Beverly Hilton",2005) 1. Comparison of CEM versus TQM by Hilton Worldwide. Statistics of the effective on revenues between two types of management - Motivation: services or needs - Fidelity: emotional or location - Emotions: necessity or pleasure Control Chart to compare the fluctuation of RevPar per franchises during the holiday season 2. Though Hilton is top of the list in customer satisfaction, more can be done to change the Henry Ford chain line feeling that everything has to be the same. With a more customer orientated managerial system, Hilton hotels will seem more homely and less industrial. 3. Hilton keeps up to date with the various national tests. They are at the top of the list of most of its competitors: brand equity: (Equitrend study) Guest satisfaction is the highest for the past three years with the Customer Satisfaction index (ACSI)("Big Gains",June 2010) They have internal testing of the higher end hotels and statistical analysis of the whole network: balance scorecards ( The internal functioning of the hotels are up to the owners of the franchisees. As the expectations of the financial goals are high, the entrepreneurial attitude does not allow for a low level of workers' performance. Motivational compensation in financial awards is given for those who meet set goals. The whole system is based on financial success. Though guest satisfaction is the highest in the industry, it is based on American statistics. Brand recognition is becoming more and more important as globalization is without borders.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
PRESS RELEASE ASSIGNMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
PRESS RELEASE ASSIGNMENT - Essay Example The airline takes full responsibility of the delays and the consequent cancellations, and refrains from blaming the weather. The company issues a statement of apology concerning the same. This comes together with a flight voucher worth $500 to all who either missed or had their flights delayed during and immediately after the storm. The company issues further apology for its slow reaction towards sorting out accommodation for those who spent the night in Chicago. The company will compensate those who had issues related to accommodation and will pay for their hotel and related expenses. Claims for such can be filed online through the company’s website: simply go to FlyAway.com and click on the reimbursement tab. A statement by the company’s, CEO Mr. Jordan, stated in part, â€Å"We have learned from our mistakes, and will do everything in our power to only deliver the very best in service and on time performance. Anything less than that is unacceptable.†Customers can expect high quality services from the company as a matter of right. An assessment to verify what went wrong will be conducted to avoid similar occurrences in the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Evaluation of a Website www.pbskids.org Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Evaluation of a Website www.pbskids.org - Essay Example I am particularly attracted by the website www.pbskids.org. This website combines entertainment with education, and is very attractively designed. The main draw of the website is the great technical skill of its design, which facilitates its use by children. It is a great example of how learning can be made fun. By incorporating characters, such as Barney & Friends, Curious George, Sesame Street, and Thomas and Friends, into spelling, number and letter games, the website educates and entertains. The bright colors, and easily understandable links, are very child-friendly. With websites ranging from the institutional to the personal, it is essential to develop the skill of objectively evaluating a website. Obviously, a commercial website cannot serve as a source for academic purposes, and a website with links to a pharmaceutical firm cannot be cited for medical research. Several criteria, such as accuracy, authority, objectivity and currency, come into play in evaluating a website (Cor nell University Library, 1998). Evaluation of the website www.pbskids.org, based on the criteria of reliability of the source, the credentials of the author, and the information available, gives an accurate picture of the website. The reliability of the source is of paramount importance in evaluating a website. ... Virgin Islands, Guam and American Samoa. PBS reaches nearly 123 million television viewers and more than 21 million online visitors in a month. It is America’s largest public media enterprise. The organization’s mission statement clearly reflects its focus on education. It is a measure of the strength of its credentials that the website has a link to the home page of the PBS, where a detailed account of the organization, its mission statement, and terms of use are all clearly laid down. As the domain name is clearly preferred, the producer of the website is unequivocally stated, and the credentials of the organization are reliable, it may be accepted that www.pbskids.org is the product of a reliable source. The credentials of the author is the other strong criteria in the evaluation of a website. www.pbskids.org does not list any author. In this case, the absence of a single author is not relevant, as the domain name of the website indicates that the source is an organi zation. As the website is sponsored by an organization, and the credentials of this organization, PBS, are genuine, the authority of the website may be accepted. In the absence of an author, the credentials of the organization may be taken in its stead. PBS KIDS is the winner of several Daytime Emmy Awards and features on many reliable surveys, including Nielsen and Google Analytics. It is clear that PBS is a leading player in curriculum based media, and has the authority to deal with this content. The page gives a direct link to the home page of the organization, where detailed contact information, including e-mail id’s and telephone numbers, are provided. Again, it is evident that the organization is very transparent in stating the purpose and
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Grammatical aspect Essay Example for Free
Grammatical aspect Essay Use the Simple Past to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in the past. Sometimes, the speaker may not actually mention the specific time, but they do have one specific time in mind. Examples: †¢ I saw a movie yesterday. †¢ I didnt see a play yesterday. †¢ Last year, I traveled to Japan. †¢ Last year, I didnt travel to Korea. †¢ Did you have dinner last night? †¢ She washed her car. †¢ He didnt wash his car. USE 2 A Series of Completed Actions [pic] We use the Simple Past to list a series of completed actions in the past. These actions happen 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and so on. Examples: †¢ I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim. †¢ He arrived from the airport at 8:00, checked into the hotel at 9:00, and met the others at 10:00. †¢ Did you add flour, pour in the milk, and then add the eggs? USE 3 Duration in Past [pic] The Simple Past can be used with a duration which starts and stops in the past. A duration is a longer action often indicated by expressions such as: for two years, for five minutes, all day, all year, etc. Examples: †¢ I lived in Brazil for two years. †¢ Shauna studied Japanese for five years. †¢ They sat at the beach all day. †¢ They did not stay at the party the entire time. †¢ We talked on the phone for thirty minutes. †¢ A: How long did you wait for them? B: We waited for one hour. USE 4 Habits in the Past [pic] The Simple Past can also be used to describe a habit which stopped in the past. It can have the same meaning as used to. To make it clear that we are talking about a habit, we often add expressions such as: always, often, usually, never, when I was a child, when I was younger, etc. Examples: †¢ I studied French when I was a child. †¢ He played the violin. †¢ He didnt play the piano. †¢ Did you play a musical instrument when you were a kid? †¢ She worked at the movie theater after school. †¢ They never went to school, they always skipped class. USE 5 Past Facts or Generalizations [pic] The Simple Past can also be used to describe past facts or generalizations which are no longer true. As in USE 4 above, this use of the Simple Past is quite similar to the expression used to. Examples: †¢ She was shy as a child, but now she is very outgoing. †¢ He didnt like tomatoes before. †¢ Did you live in Texas when you were a kid? †¢ People paid much more to make cell phone calls in the past. IMPORTANT When-Clauses Happen First. Clauses are groups of words which have meaning but are often not complete sentences. Some clauses begin with the word when such as when I dropped my pen or when class began These clauses are called when-clauses, and they are very important. The examples below contain when-clauses. Examples: †¢ When I paid her one dollar, she answered my question. †¢ She answered my question when I paid her one dollar. When-clauses are important because they always happen first when both clauses are in the Simple Past. Both of the examples above mean the same thing: first, I paid her one dollar, and then, she answered my question. It is not important whether when I paid her one dollar is at the beginning of the sentence or at the end of the sentence. However, the example below has a different meaning. First, she answered my question, and then, I paid her one dollar. Example: †¢ I paid her one dollar when she answered my question. ADVERB PLACEMENT The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never, ever, still, just, etc. Examples: †¢ You just called Debbie. †¢ Did you just call Debbie? Past Continuous FORM [was/were + present participle] Examples: †¢ You were studying when she called. †¢ Were you studying when she called? †¢ You were not studying when she called. Complete List of Past Continuous Forms USE 1 Interrupted Action in the Past [pic] Use the Past Continuous to indicate that a longer action in the past was interrupted. The interruption is usually a shorter action in the Simple Past. Remember this can be a real interruption or just an interruption in time. Examples: †¢ I was watching TV when she called. †¢ When the phone rang, she was writing a letter. †¢ While we were having the picnic, it started to rain. †¢ What were you doing when the earthquake started? †¢ I was listening to my iPod, so I didnt hear the fire alarm. †¢ You were not listening to me when I told you to turn the oven off. †¢ While John was sleeping last night, someone stole his car. †¢ Sammy was waiting for us when we got off the plane. †¢ While I was writing the email, the computer suddenly went off. †¢ A: What were you doing when you broke your leg? B: I was snowboarding. USE 2 Specific Time as an Interruption [pic] In USE 1, described above, the Past Continuous is interrupted by a shorter action in the Simple Past. However, you can also use a specific time as an interruption. Examples: †¢ Last night at 6 PM, I was eating dinner. †¢ At midnight, we were still driving through the desert. †¢ Yesterday at this time, I was sitting at my desk at work. IMPORTANT In the Simple Past, a specific time is used to show when an action began or finished. In the Past Continuous, a specific time only interrupts the action. Examples: †¢ Last night at 6 PM, I ate dinner. I started eating at 6 PM. †¢ Last night at 6 PM, I was eating dinner. I started earlier; and at 6 PM, I was in the process of eating dinner. USE 3 Parallel Actions [pic] When you use the Past Continuous with two actions in the same sentence, it expresses the idea that both actions were happening at the same time. The actions are parallel. Examples: †¢ I was studying while he was making dinner. †¢ While Ellen was reading, Tim was watching television. †¢ Were you listening while he was talking? †¢ I wasnt paying attention while I was writing the letter, so I made several mistakes. †¢ What were you doing while you were waiting? †¢ Thomas wasnt working, and I wasnt working either. †¢ They were eating dinner, discussing their plans, and having a good time. USE 4 Atmosphere In English, we often use a series of parallel actions to describe the atmosphere at a particular time in the past. Example: †¢ When I walked into the office, several people were busily typing, some were talking on the phones, the boss was yelling directions, and customers were waiting to be helped. One customer was yelling at a secretary and waving his hands. Others were complaining to each other about the bad service. USE 5 Repetition and Irritation with Always [pic] The Past Continuous with words such as always or constantly expresses the idea that something irritating or shocking often happened in the past. The concept is very similar to the expression used to but with negative emotion. Remember to put the words always or constantly between be and verb+ing. Examples: †¢ She was always coming to class late. †¢ He was constantly talking. He annoyed everyone. †¢ I didnt like them because they were always complaining. While vs. When Clauses are groups of words which have meaning, but are often not complete sentences. Some clauses begin with the word when such as when she called or when it bit me. Other clauses begin with while such as while she was sleeping and while he was surfing. When you talk about things in the past, when is most often followed by the verb tense Simple Past, whereas while is usually followed by Past Continuous. While expresses the idea of during that time. Study the examples below. They have similar meanings, but they emphasize different parts of the sentence. Examples: †¢ I was studying when she called. †¢ While I was studying, she called. REMEMBER Non-Continuous Verbs / Mixed Verbs It is important to remember that Non-Continuous Verbs cannot be used in any continuous tenses. Also, certain non-continuous meanings for Mixed Verbs cannot be used in continuous tenses. Instead of using Past Continuous with these verbs, you must use Simple Past. Examples: †¢ Jane was being at my house when you arrived. Not Correct †¢ Jane was at my house when you arrived. Correct ADVERB PLACEMENT The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never, ever, still, just, etc. Examples: †¢ You were just studying when she called. †¢ Were you just studying when she called? ACTIVE / PASSIVE Examples: †¢ The salesman was helping the customer when the thief came into the store. Active †¢ The customer was being helped by the salesman when the thief came into the store. Passive Past Perfect FORM [had + past participle] Examples: †¢ You had studied English before you moved to New York. †¢ Had you studied English before you moved to New York? †¢ You had not studied English before you moved to New York. Complete List of Past Perfect Forms USE 1 Completed Action Before Something in the Past [pic] The Past Perfect expresses the idea that something occurred before another action in the past. It can also show that something happened before a specific time in the past. Examples: †¢ I had never seen such a beautiful beach before I went to Kauai. †¢ I did not have any money because I had lost my wallet. †¢ Tony knew Istanbul so well because he had visited the city several times. †¢ Had Susan ever studied Thai before she moved to Thailand? †¢ She only understood the movie because she had read the book. †¢ Kristine had never been to an opera before last night. †¢ We were not able to get a hotel room because we had not booked in advance. †¢ A: Had you ever visited the U. S. before your trip in 2006? B: Yes, I had been to the U. S. once before. USE 2 Duration Before Something in the Past (Non-Continuous Verbs) [pic] With Non-Continuous Verbs and some non-continuous uses of Mixed Verbs, we use the Past Perfect to show that something started in the past and continued up until another action in the past. Examples: †¢ We had had that car for ten years before it broke down. †¢ By the time Alex finished his studies, he had been in London for over eight years. †¢ They felt bad about selling the house because they had owned it for more than forty years. Although the above use of Past Perfect is normally limited to Non-Continuous Verbs and non-continuous uses of Mixed Verbs, the words live, work, teach, and study are sometimes used in this way even though they are NOT Non-Continuous Verbs. IMPORTANT Specific Times with the Past Perfect [pic]. Unlike with the Present Perfect, it is possible to use specific time words or phrases with the Past Perfect. Although this is possible, it is usually not necessary. Example: †¢ She had visited her Japanese relatives once in 1993 before she moved in with them in 1996. MOREOVER If the Past Perfect action did occur at a specific time, the Simple Past can be used instead of the Past Perfect when before or after is used in the sentence. The words before and after actually tell you what happens first, so the Past Perfect is optional. For this reason, both sentences below are correct. Examples: †¢ She had visited her Japanese relatives once in 1993 before she moved in with them in 1996. †¢ She visited her Japanese relatives once in 1993 before she moved in with them in 1996. HOWEVER [pic] If the Past Perfect is not referring to an action at a specific time, Past Perfect is not optional. Compare the examples below. Here Past Perfect is referring to a lack of experience rather than an action at a specific time. For this reason, Simple Past cannot be used. Examples: †¢ She never saw a bear before she moved to Alaska. Not Correct †¢ She had never seen a bear before she moved to Alaska. Correct ADVERB PLACEMENT The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never, ever, still, just, etc. Examples: †¢ You had previously studied English before you moved to New York. †¢ Had you previously studied English before you moved to New York? ACTIVE / PASSIVE Examples: †¢ George had repaired many cars before he received his mechanics license. Active †¢ Many cars had been repaired by George before he received his mechanics license. Passive Past Perfect Continuous FORM [had been + present participle] Examples: †¢ You had been waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrived. †¢ Had you been waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrived? †¢ You had not been waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrived. Complete List of Past Perfect Continuous Forms USE 1 Duration Before Something in the Past [pic] We use the Past Perfect Continuous to show that something started in the past and continued up until another time in the past. For five minutes and for two weeks are both durations which can be used with the Past Perfect Continuous. Notice that this is related to the Present Perfect Continuous; however, the duration does not continue until now, it stops before something else in the past. Examples: †¢ They had been talking for over an hour before Tony arrived. †¢ She had been working at that company for three years when it went out of business. †¢ How long had you been waiting to get on the bus? †¢ Mike wanted to sit down because he had been standing all day at work. †¢ James had been teaching at the university for more than a year before he left for Asia. †¢ A: How long had you been studying Turkish before you moved to Ankara? B: I had not been studying Turkish very long. USE 2 Cause of Something in the Past [pic] Using the Past Perfect Continuous before another action in the past is a good way to show cause and effect. Examples: †¢ Jason was tired because he had been jogging. †¢ Sam gained weight because he had been overeating. †¢ Betty failed the final test because she had not been attending class. Past Continuous vs. Past Perfect Continuous If you do not include a duration such as for five minutes, for two weeks or since Friday, many English speakers choose to use the Past Continuous rather than the Past Perfect Continuous. Be careful because this can change the meaning of the sentence. Past Continuous emphasizes interrupted actions, whereas Past Perfect Continuous emphasizes a duration of time before something in the past. Study the examples below to understand the difference. Examples: †¢ He was tired because he was exercising so hard. This sentence emphasizes that he was tired because he was exercising at that exact moment. †¢ He was tired because he had been exercising so hard. This sentence emphasizes that he was tired because he had been exercising over a period of time. It is possible that he was still exercising at that moment OR that he had just finished. REMEMBER Non-Continuous Verbs / Mixed Verbs It is important to remember that Non-Continuous Verbs cannot be used in any continuous tenses. Also, certain non-continuous meanings for Mixed Verbs cannot be used in continuous tenses. Instead of using Past Perfect Continuous with these verbs, you must use Past Perfect. Examples: †¢ The motorcycle had been belonging to George for years before Tina bought it. Not Correct †¢ The motorcycle had belonged to George for years before Tina bought it. Correct ADVERB PLACEMENT. The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never, ever, still, just, etc. Examples: †¢ You had only been waiting there for a few minutes when she arrived. †¢ Had you only been waiting there for a few minutes when she arrived? ACTIVE / PASSIVE Examples: †¢ Chef Jones had been preparing the restaurants fantastic dinners for two years before he moved to Paris. Active †¢ The restaurants fantastic dinners had been being prepared by Chef Jones for two years before he moved to Paris. Passive NOTE: Passive forms of the Past Perfect Continuous are not common.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The birds :: essays research papers
In the course of this film we see Melanie develop as a person through confronting the things she fears. Melanie confronts many fears through the course of the film and grows as a person as the film progresses. She goes through a lot in the film and the story implies that she has found herself by the end of the film. The story is of course a thriller but behind the thriller is Melanie’s journey. Melanie’s journey is very quick. She was extremely immature and lost at the beginning of the film and is some what grown up by the end. At the start of the film Melanie was very immature and lost. She is very rich and seems to want to do something with her life. She apparently spends time with charity and other activities of the sort. She is a prankster who apparently went skinny dipping in a fountain at Rome. She also wants to teach a miner bird lewd saying to give to her linguistic aunt. She must be very lost and has no direction in life. Through this film she gains a little more maturity. Melanie gains more maturity through the film. She acts like a lost little rich kid at the beginning and through the film she begins to show a little more maturity and self respect. She begins to see who she really is under all the confidence and pranks. She is needed in the film and she needs that responsibility to become a woman. She gains more responsibility and she becomes a woman, at last. The bird attacks give that catalyst that is needed to start her to become a responsible grown up. She needs the birds to let her become the friend of Cathy, the friend of Lydia and the girlfriend of Mitch. She needs the birds to let her become a protector and a great friend of Annie. She becomes a great person because of the love she shows for the family.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Teachers’ Knowledge of Legal Issues Surrounding Students’ Rights
Even though lawsuits against teachers have multiplied over the last decade, teacher preparation institutions and educational leaders across our nation have yet to recognize teachers' knowledge of school law as an area that should be at the top of the priority list for improvement in teacher training. Although this new, legally influenced educational environment has not developed overnight, it has quickly become an area that demands attention among teachers, administrators, and other constituencies. The overabundance of litigation in the United States of America illustrates the legal complexity of the nation and the litigious nature of its citizenry. Accordingly, individuals entering the teaching profession should be equipped with the legal knowledge necessary to protect themselves and the students with whom they have contact. The purpose of this study is to explore some of the underlying legislation and literature that depicts the legal issues surrounding students' rights and how these issues are interrelated to teachers’ knowledge of school law. Through the information provided in this paper, it is evident that insight into knowledge of school law among teachers is an issue that is increasingly important to educators and educational leaders in United States. Introduction In 1989, the American Tort Reform Association (ATRA) surveyed principals and school attorneys to determine the impact of legal issues on the educational setting. The study revealed that 58% of the participants noted changes in school-related programs due to liability concerns and nine percent of respondents reported having been involved in lawsuits or settlements (Sherman, 2000). Only a decade later, the ATRA conducted a similar investigation in which 64% of the respondents reported a difference in school-related programs as a result of liability concerns and 31% of participants reported being involved in lawsuits or settlements (Sherman, 2000). In 1999 ATRA reported that nearly one-third of all high school principals have been involved in a lawsuit in the last two years, compared to only nine percent, 10 years ago. (Sherman, 2000). Further, Affinity Insurance Services (2003) reported that, â€Å"the number of lawsuits filed against teachers and other education professionals has increased at an alarming rate -over 270% in the last ten years†(p. 2). These findings clearly illustrate the severity of the issue under investigation and highlight the need for corrective and preventative measures aimed at reducing the regularity of litigation within the educational environment. Although this research speaks for itself, public sentiment toward filing suits against educators is at the crux of the issue. Stern (2001) reported that for some students and parents, a good lawyer is as important as good grades. Furthermore, Sorokin (2002) stated that society has become increasingly litigious and the law is used only for personal benefit, especially in the educational setting. Recently, the National Center for Policy Analysis (2003) reported that the rising tide of lawsuits against educators over the last decade has made school discipline difficult, reduced opportunities for students, and consumed many educational resources. Fischer, Schimmel, and Kelly (2003) state that â€Å"today's schools function in a complex legal environment, and a wide range of legal issues influence the lives of teachers, students, parents, and administrators†(p. vii). Currently, the No Child Left Behind legislation asserts that teachers are protected from most lawsuits if they act within their responsibilities. However, the problem arises in the issue of whether teachers have adequate legal knowledge upon which to define their responsibilities, and subsequently base their decisions for action or behavior. Additionally, educators operate in environments that are open-systems that are subject to the influence of countless extraneous variables. This makes educational policy and daily procedures more difficult to define; thus, complicating teachers' responsibilities (McCarthy et al. , 2004). For these reasons, it would seem that knowledge of legal responsibilities and legal rights would be at the forefront of professional preparation for preservice educators or professional development for inservice educators. Legal issues surrounding students' rights Knowledge of students' rights is at the forefront of lawfulness as an educator. Although rights of students are very important to educators, maintaining orderliness and authority by teachers and other school officials is also a top priority for educational systems. Thus, educators are granted broad powers to establish rules and regulations governing student conduct in the educational setting (Essex, 1999). This power of authority is not absolute; rather it must be exercised with reasonableness and the focus must stay on maintaining order and peace. However, because students continue to test the limits of their personal freedoms in public schools, frequent collisions arise as educators strive to maintain educational environments that are highly conducive to learning (McCarthy et al. , 2004). In dealing with these issues, the courts have generally considered the reasonableness clause as a basis for case decisions. In 1969, the United States Supreme Court handed down a historic decision that challenged the reasonableness consideration, in Tinker v. Des Moines (1969), the court ruled that neither teachers nor students lose their constitutional rights to freedom of expression when they enter the public schools. The First Amendment guarantees that the federal government cannot abridge personal freedoms. Thus, the Supreme Court ruled that through the Fourteenth Amendment state governments, including Boards of Education, cannot abridge citizens of such freedoms. Consequently, educators have been faced with the increased challenge of maintaining effective educational environments while ensuring personal freedoms (Essex, 1999). Freedom of speech and expression is granted by the First Amendment to the U. S. Constitution that states, in part, that â€Å"Congress shall make no law †¦ abridging the freedom of speech, or of press or of the rights of peoples to peacefully assemble. †The court has stated that First Amendment rights must receive protection in the educational setting â€Å"if we are not to strangle the free mind at its source and teach youth to discount important principals of our government as mere platitudes†(West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, 1943). A multitude of additional court cases has set precedence in the area of students' rights. However, the court has recognized that â€Å"the constitutional rights of students in public school are not automatically coextensive with the rights of adults in other settings†(Bethel School District No. 403 v. Fraser, 1986). Thus, freedom of speech and expression is open to limitation by policies that are reasonabl y designed based on the conditions of the educational setting (Fischer, Schimmel, and Kelly, 2003). Taking this legislation into consideration, educators should be knowledgeable of situations in which constitutional freedoms do not prevail. â€Å"Defamatory, obscene, vulgar, and inflammatory expression are not protected in the public school context†(McCarthy et al. 2004, p. 115). As a result of Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier (1988), school authorities can limit students' freedom of expression in school publications and other school-related activities as long as the limits are based on legitimate educational concerns. In commenting on the utilization of this judicial decision, Rosen (2002) states that â€Å"administrators with a militaristic bent have no better weapon in their arsenal†¦ †In general, however, courts have endorsed the notion that educators should limit students' freedoms of expression and press only when their actions cause disruption to the educational environment (Essex, 1999). Student-initiated clubs have become very common in the educational setting. Lee (2002) asserts that joining a group that is unified in vision and in action can soothe the difficulties that many alienated students may experience. But, because the nature of some clubs has caused controversy, litigation has ensued. Although freedom of association is not specifically protected under the First Amendment, the Supreme Court has ruled that freedom of association is â€Å"implicit in the freedoms of speech, assembly, and petition†(Healy v. James, 1972). The issue, however, arises in the nature of the association that is taken by the students. Public school students have sought legal espousal for secret societies or closed-membership clubs through the assertion that these associations are supported by First Amendment freedoms. However, the courts have upheld rulings by school officials prohibiting student membership in secret societies (Burkitt v. School District No. 1 Multnomah County, 1952). Conversely, student-initiated organizations with open membership are receptive to support under the First Amendment. Accordingly, courts have held that if a public high school allows student associations to meet during noninstructional time, the access policy for such meetings by other groups must be neutral in relation to association content (Dixon v. Beresh, 1973). Due to the legislation resulting from such issues, Congress enacted the Equal Access Act (EAA) in 1984, that confirmed that if a federally assisted secondary school creates an open forum for noncurricular student groups to meet during noninstractional time, it must not deny access to specific groups based on religious, political, or other content of the groups' meeting (Fischer, Schimmel, and Kelly, 2003). School officials may only limit meetings that th reaten to disrupt the educational environment. As mentioned earlier in this literature review, the establishment of an open forum has been challenged by the Establishment clause when association is of a religious nature (Board of Education of the Westside Community Schools v. Mergens, 1990). Reflection on this legislation raises the issue of whether or not the creation of an open forum is in the best interest of the school. Fortunately, under the EAA, school districts do retain the option of restricting access to only curriculum related association, rather than creating a limited open forum for student-initiated association. Regardless of the choice, teachers must be aware of the school district's decision and the underlying obligations of this decision in order to avoid instances of controversy when dealing with student-initiated clubs (Imber & Van Geel, 2000). Freedom of appearance on behalf of students has led to regular litigation in the past. Appearance is of great importance to most students. However, when fads and fashion lead to disruptions in the learning environment, controversy usually follows. Although freedom of appearance has been considered an extension of symbolic expression, which is protected under the First Amendment, the courts have reached contradictory conclusions over this issue (Essex, 1999). In 1982, the court determined that restrictions on student appearance constitute â€Å"a reasonable means of furthering the school board's undeniable interest in teaching hygiene, instilling discipline, asserting authority, and compelling uniformity†(Domico v. Rapides Parish School Board, 1982). Although students have asserted that attire is a means of expression protected under the First Amendment, courts have held that attire can be regulated if it is deemed â€Å"immodest, disruptive, or unsanitary†(Richards v. Thurston, 1970). More stringent restrictions on attire, in the form of uniform policies, have been established in some school systems in order to eliminate gang-related attire, reduce violence, and improve school climate by removing the emphasis placed on attire, thereby enhancing the emphasis on academics (Del Stover, 1996). However, courts have reached contradictory conclusions concerning the constitutionality of mandated school uniform policies. Thus, in order to avoid potential litigation, educators must ensure that a legitimate educational justification is underlying any regulation related to students' appearance and teachers must enforce uniform policies based solely upon these established justifications in order to avoid litigation (McCarthy et al. , 2004). Extracurricular activities are integral components of the majority of public school across the nation. In 1975, Goss v. Lopez established that once a state provides public education, students cannot be denied access to this education without due process of law. Although courts have historically held that extracurricular activities are fundamental in the educational system, the current view stipulates that conditions may be attached to participation in such activities. However, litigation has been contradictory because, â€Å"courts have not agreed regarding procedural protections that must be provided when students face suspension or expulsion from extracurricular activities†(McCarthy et al. 2004, p. 135). Due to these insubstantial rulings, school authorities may not be required to provide formal due process procedures prior to the suspension of a student from extracurricular activities. Nevertheless, if the school district has a policy for suspending students from extracurricular activities, school authorities must abide by this policy, in such instances, an informal hearing and documentation of the underlying rationale for the action is advisable. Suspension based on academic standing, age, conduct, extracurricular participation fees, individual skill, school attendance, residence, and a number of other conditions have been left to the discretion of school district authorities (Imber & Van Geel, 2000). Policies concerning these considerations should be clearly written, they should be communicated to students, teachers, and parents, they should be based on sound educational rationale, and they should be enforced in an indiscriminating manner. Educators should ensure that suspension or denial of participation in extracurricular activities is based on established policy in order to avoid litigation in this area. Conclusion In this litigious society, to protect themselves and the students they teach, teachers should have ample knowledge of school law. Determining the level of knowledge of school law and the importance that teachers place on this knowledge is important so that college officials, school administrators, and teachers can make decisions focused on improving knowledge in deficient areas, such as legal issues pertaining to students' rights. Educating particular groups to increase law knowledge will remain a great challenge for universities officials, school administrators, and teachers because no one person or group of people is like that of another and because no one person or group shares the same educational or practical experiences. Knowledge of the law pertaining to students' rights is of extreme importance to educators because â€Å"by their very nature schools are places where students often wish to express their ideas through speech and other means†(Imber & Van Geel, 2000, p. 37). Thus, teachers should be prepared to lawfully allow students to exercise their constitutional rights while maintaining the structure and integrity of the educational system. In doing so, students will experience an enriched educational environment based upon diversity of ideals, respect for self and others, and, most importantly, the liberties granted by the U. S. Constitution that have defined our nation and its citizenry.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Education of women Essay
Daniel Defoe’s essay entitled â€Å"The Education of Women†was written to emphasis the value of education for women should be more than what is was. In para- graph 1 â€Å"†¦ us a civilized and a Christian country†Defoe’s target audience was for men and for those who follow the church and God. Eng- land at this time was dominantly of Christian faith and in this essay Defoe advocates more of God’s will rather than his own to establish his own credibility and moral high ground and Defoe is able to do this by raising this issue in the minds of his Christian readership. Although there may not be too much weight behind his view on why women needed to be educated, with referencing God throughout the essay it becomes an effective reading with his target audience. He starts with his opinion then refers to God in the next sentence. This is a regular theme from start to finish and this captures his reader’s interest early on. Defoe included this rhetorical sentences in this essay and in paragraph 3 Defoe writes â€Å"the soul is placed in the body like a rough diamond, and must be polished, or the luster of it will never appear†. His analogy is that if you don’t polish the diamond (women and educating) then they will never shine. In paragraph 3 he uses the term God in his next sentence. â€Å"If knowledge and understanding had been useless additions to the 1 Yorke sex, God Almighty would never have given them capacities; for he made nothing needless. †He states that God made women capable of learning and that none of God’s creation is unnecessary. Defoe believes women should be educated and educating them they would simply become better wives and companions for men. As an example of this is in paragraph 5, he does not suggest learning practical subjects such as math and science but instead, he says that they should be taught†â€Å"†¦ in particular, Music and Dancing; which it would be cruelty to bar the sex of, because they are their darlings. But besides this, they should be taught languages†He also adds that they should read history books to be more ‘cultured’ so that they can â€Å".. understand the world, and to be able to know and judge of things when they hear of them. †Defoe’s argument is that women as an equal. In paragraph 7 he writes â€Å"Women, in my observation, have little or no difference in them, but as they are or are not distin- guished by education. †Defoe summarizes in the last paragraph with this rhetorical sentence â€Å"I refer the Practice to those Happy Days (if ever they shall be) when men shall be wise enough to mend it. †Defoe implies that if man can change his views on education for women, then a woman would be educated will be seen as an equal amongst men.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Cerium Facts - Ce or Atomic Number 58
Cerium Facts - Ce or Atomic Number 58 Cerium (Ce) is atomic number 58 on the periodic table. Like other lanthanides or rare earth elements, cerium is a soft, silver-colored metal. Its the most abundant of the rare earth elements. Cerium Basic Facts Element Name: Cerium Atomic Number: 58 Symbol: Ce Atomic Weight: 140.115 Element Classification: Rare Earth Element (Lanthanide Series) Discovered By: W. von Hisinger, J. Berzelius, M. Klaproth Discovery Date: 1803 (Sweden/Germany) Name Origin: Named after the asteroid Ceres, discovered two years before the element. Cerium Physical Data Density (g/cc) near r.t.: 6.757 Melting Point ( °K): 1072 Boiling Point ( °K): 3699 Appearance: Malleable, ductile, iron-gray metal Atomic Radius (pm): 181 Atomic Volume (cc/mol): 21.0 Covalent Radius (pm): 165 Ionic Radius: 92 (4e) 103.4 (3e) Specific Heat (20 °C J/g mol): 0.205 Fusion Heat (kJ/mol): 5.2 Evaporation Heat (kJ/mol): 398 Pauling Negativity Number: 1.12 First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol): 540.1 Oxidation States: 4, 3 Electronic Configuration: [Xe] 4f1 5d1 6s2 Lattice Structure: Face-Centered Cubic (FCC) Lattice Constant (Ã…): 5.160 Electrons per Shell: 2, 8, 18, 19, 9, 2 Phase: Solid Liquid Density at m.p.: 6.55 g ·cm−3 Heat of Fusion: 5.46 kJ ·mol−1 Heat of Vaporization: 398 kJ ·mol−1 Heat Capacity (25  °C): 26.94 J ·mol−1 ·K−1 Electronegativity: 1.12 (Pauling scale) Atomic Radius: 185 pm Electrical Resistivity (r.t.): (ÃŽ ², poly) 828 nÃŽ ©Ã‚ ·m Thermal Conductivity (300 K): 11.3 W ·m−1 ·K−1 Thermal Expansion (r.t.): (ÃŽ ³, poly) 6.3  µm/(m ·K) Speed of Sound (thin rod) (20  °C): 2100 m/s Youngs Modulus (ÃŽ ³ form): 33.6 GPa Shear Modulus (ÃŽ ³ form): 13.5 GPa Bulk Modulus (ÃŽ ³ form): 21.5 GPa Poisson Ratio (ÃŽ ³ form): 0.24 Mohs Hardness: 2.5 Vickers Hardness: 270 MPa Brinell Hardness: 412 MPa CAS Registry Number: 7440-45-1 Sources: Los Alamos National Laboratory (2001), Crescent Chemical Company (2001), Langes Handbook of Chemistry (1952) Return to the Periodic Table
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A Third Leg In The Strategy Tripod Commerce Essay
A Third Leg In The Strategy Tripod Commerce Essay In recent times strategy has become a major and significant part of international businesses (IB). A strategy is there to help the organisation to achieve its objectives and goals. There are various factors in the industry that multinationals can take to make investment decisions, nevertheless in the international business environment, it has been dominated by both industry and resource base views. A resource base view lies within the company and not on the outside, it also tells us how the company or organisation will deliver a sustainable competitive advantage and how these resources will be controlled and managed in a way that its end results can’t be copied by its competitors and would create a competitive barrier and generate a competitive advantage at a sustainable level Porter 1980).An industry base view is based on a clear understanding of the organisation’s competitive and economic structure, the challenge here is to position the company in a way that it could gain a bigger portion of the profits in the market that the company is operating in and even with new entrants coming into the market place , the organisation should turn its core competencies in an advantage. According to the journal the authors (M.W.Peng, D.Y.L. Wang and Y. Jiang) state that the view of international business strategy emerged through and institution base. They also state that this one of the legs that support and uphold the tripod strategy, and the other two part of the tripod strategy is based on a resource base view and an industry base view. In the journal the authors did a review of four distinct characteristic s or qualities of important research , these four characteristics are :(1)antidumping as entry barriers;(2)competing in and out of India;(3)growing the firm in China and the fourth being governing the corporation in emerging economies. According to the authors they state that there were questions confronting the international business raised by (Peng 2 004a), where he identified emerging nations in Asia to indicate a realistic and intermediate phase during the early and late stages of institution transitions. In the article the authors’ stats two arguments that is based on network strengths and network content. To determine strategy and performance the authors cite (Porters 1980) competitive strategy, which a frame works for industry analysis (Porters Five Force analysis). A third leg in the strategy tripod In the third leg of the strategy tripod the authors state that the industry-base view is rooted in a way the MNE’s strategy is based on certain conditions within the nature of the industry that the company has a focus on. They (authors) also state that with a resource – based view IB concentrate more internally that externally, as most of the value lies within the organisation. With both industry and resource-based views, it still brings up questions to investment locations. In the tripod strategy the autho rs cite (Scot 1995:33) where he define institutions as concrete structures , e.g. buildings and as human capital , including political and social aspects which they state , e.g.corruption,economic liberations and ethical norms , these are a few examples from the article that also affect the stability of markets that MNE’s operate in. Research by (Lawrence & Lorsch , 1969) clearly shows that the dominate part of research is a â€Å"task environment†view , where economic variables were looked at and what the market demand are and a change in technology.(Peng 2008) states that shaping strategies and performance have an impact on both formal and informal institutions.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
How masculinity is Constructed within Men's Health magazine Essay
How masculinity is Constructed within Men's Health magazine - Essay Example The level in which masculinity is because of nurture or nature, an issue of what a person is born with or socialization is a subject of debate. Research, has helped to give much information concerning the development of masculine traits and the sexual differentiation process specific to human beings’ reproductive system. The SRY gene on the Y chromosome is central for male sexual development since it activates SOX9. SOX9 collaborates with Sf1 to enhance the Anti-MÃ ¼llerian hormone to limit female development, while at the same time activating and forming a feed-forward loop with FGF9. This creates the testis cords and causes the proliferation of Sertoli cells. The creation of SRY limits the process of making a female. It causes, events that result in androgen production, testis formation, and a number of pre and post-natal hormonal effects. Scholars have developed a big debate about how children get gender identities. Others say that a masculinity is linked with the male bod y. On this view, it is evident that a masculinity is associated with the male sex and when a child has male genitalia, is regarded as an important aspect of masculinity (Connell 2005). Some scholars argue that biological factors influence masculinity; they also claim it is culturally constructed. Scholars that support this view say that women can become men physically and hormonally and that aspect assumed to be natural are linguistically and culturally driven. Concerning the nurture side of the debate, it is said that masculinity lacks a single source of origin, such as the media, institutions, or groups of people. The military has an interest in promoting a form of masculinity; however, it cannot create it from nothing. Masculinity has helped to influence the creation of the military. As an example of socialization into masculinity, facial hair is connected to masculinity through
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